Friday, August 31, 2007
Nonnie's Here!
Yay! Nonnie is here. She got here last night, which was awesome, because I really had to go number two, and it had been raining all day, but then she took me out, and it was dry, and I got to go. Also, she gave me eggs this morning and pets me and takes care of me. I thought she didn't love me anymore, because usually she wakes up really early and pets me. This morning, I laid outside her door and whimpered a little for a while, and she didn't come out. Eventually, my mom took me out and then Nonnie woke up. Thats when I got my eggs and my love. I always get the best treatment when she's around. I hope she stays for a long time!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Why is everything always breaking?
It is just so crazy how everything in my house keeps breaking. I got to go for a walk the other day out at the dog park I love, but then my mom and I had to get a ride home, because something on the car broke. Then, today the refrigerator broke AGAIN. My dad went to buy a bunch of ice, and that's kind of funny to watch. Plus, I just heard them say that my Uncle Pitch is coming to visit me tonight. I LOVE him. He lets me jump up on him and slobber all over him. The only problem is that sometimes when I get too excited, I accidentally head butt him you know where and my parents yell at me. Hopefully that won't happen today. I hate getting yelled at!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I think my friend Sierra just wrote me a comment... she's so silly. I miss her! I heard I am going to go to Austin next weekend, and I was all excited, because last time Sierra disapeared for a long time, that is where she went, but my mom just told me that she's not in Austin anymore. What is that about? She never calls, she never writes (well, except for blog comments).... it is just so sad. I wish I would get to see her soon.
Okay, so to the main point of this post.... I wanted to show you guys the crazy pictures from after my surgery!

Here I am looking sad, and also there is my side where they took out the lump and me and my dad with my racing hoof :)
I am all better now, but my fur still grows a little funny. bummer!
Okay, so to the main point of this post.... I wanted to show you guys the crazy pictures from after my surgery!
Here I am looking sad, and also there is my side where they took out the lump and me and my dad with my racing hoof :)
I am all better now, but my fur still grows a little funny. bummer!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Yay! My mom came home this morning. Now, she can help me get those pictures online from my little surgery. I had to wear a satellite dish.... soooo embarassing!
I forgot to mention the mean thing my parents did. They put pebbles all under the deck out back. I used to walk across this nice, soft area to go to the bathroom. When it rained, it was kind of squishy under there too. Now, it is so annoying. There are these big rocks and stuff, and they hurt my feet. So, I have to go all the way around that big ole mess instead of through it. It takes me like an extra 30 seconds, which is like infinity in dog time!
I heard them talking the other day. I think we are moving to California, whatever that is. They keep petting me and telling me I will like the beach... we'll just see about that.
I forgot to mention the mean thing my parents did. They put pebbles all under the deck out back. I used to walk across this nice, soft area to go to the bathroom. When it rained, it was kind of squishy under there too. Now, it is so annoying. There are these big rocks and stuff, and they hurt my feet. So, I have to go all the way around that big ole mess instead of through it. It takes me like an extra 30 seconds, which is like infinity in dog time!
I heard them talking the other day. I think we are moving to California, whatever that is. They keep petting me and telling me I will like the beach... we'll just see about that.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Puppy of the Day!
This is the greatest thing.... I am really hoping that one day I might make the grown up puppy list. I do blog after all, and I mean, really, how many dogs do you know who can do that?
Today's puppy is Samson

When I was the same size as Samson, I looked just like that only whiter. Samson, good luck to you... I know you will grow up to be just as awesome as I am.
Today's puppy is Samson
When I was the same size as Samson, I looked just like that only whiter. Samson, good luck to you... I know you will grow up to be just as awesome as I am.
New blog format...
I did it! I finally went to the trouble to update the layout of my blog.... I sure hope you like it :)
I know I know, as usual I am late in my postings, but I have been kind of freaking out. First, my mom was all crazy for a while. She was home a lot more than usual, but when she was home, all she did was sit at the kitchen table with her laptop and piles of books around her and sometimes get up to cook or eat. Then, she was gone a lot, in and out of the house every few days. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, both my parents were gone for like a week! It was fun, because I got to hang out with Brodie first and then Ansley, but still, they left me for a long time. When they got back, they started packing up stuff in the house. At first, I was psyched, because I thought I was going to get to see Noni. But then, they just started piling up these boxes, and every day I would go to get something or lay on something and it would be gone. Plus, my mom started being gone a lot again. Everything finally seemed to be under control, but then all my family showed up, Noni and Pop, Ali and Anna (I like her a lot... she's my size!), Jessica, Jon, Marshall and Sharon, HB and Bev, and also a lot of our friends too.... I hadn't seen a lot of them in a LONG time! So, that was crazy, and I was glad to see them, but I was glad when they were gone too. Whew! They really cut into my sleeping time. Anyway, now, the house is all empty, and I am so confused about what's going on. My dad takes me to Ansley's house every couple of days for the whole day. So, that's fun, but I sure wish I knew where all our stuff went.
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