Its been quite a May for me. First, my parents drove me 30 hours across the country (with a stop off to see my Uncle Jay, which is always much appreciated). I got to go to Nonni and Pop's house in Alabama which was really nice. Then, they made me drive another 30 hours BACK across that darn country.
Some highlights:
- Tricking Nonni into getting up earlier and earlier each morning to take me for walks
- Almost catching a duck.... who knew I wanted them so badly!? It was like something just took over for me that I couldn't control, almost like I was born to go after ducks.
- Nonni giving me treats in every bowl of food.
- Running on the dock and getting pet lots and lots by my pop while watching fish jump in the river.
- Taking over a huge house with just me and my parents while Nonni and Pop were in Spain.
- Meeting that nice policeman in West Texas.
- Eating Brisket at Cooper's Barbeque... YUM! BEEFIES!
Some lowlights:
- My dad getting yelled at by the rest area people who wanted me to get stung by scorpions rather than pee on their grass.
- driving.... and driving.... and driving....
- Getting carried up and down on top of an RV in Austin... (a) why would anyone watch baseball in that heat and (b) don't my parents know that girls were soooo obviously not invited to that party unless they were the kind of girls that Uncle Jay and his friends could hook up with?
- Getting my stomach cut open and a fatty tumor biopsied. I am okay, but I wish they would quit cutting me open... newsflash people: It always just fat!
- My mom throwing food in the river at those stupid fish when I was right there happy to eat it.
- driving.... and driving.... and driving....
- Leaving my Nonni and Pop
So, summary.... it was a good trip and dogs do love trucks, but I am glad to be laying in the middle of my living room floor back in California!