Good morning... many of you have asked me what I do in the morning while my parents are getting ready to go to work. So here you have this morning in photo essay format.... I can't tell you how I took the pictures, just know that I might have stolen a cool gadget from my mom's work to do it :)
First, I go for a walk...

Whew.... it sure is bright out in the morning in Southern California!

When I get done with my walk, I get a treat. I was so excited to get it, I kind of messed up the picture:

Then, I like to lay around a bit, sometimes inside, sometimes out, sometimes near my parents getting some early morning emailing done, sometimes not...

I like to sttttrrrrreeettttcccchhhh my paws out in the sand...

Then, my dad leaves for work...

Then, when my mom goes to get coffee and breakfast, I follow her to beg for my share.

After all the excitement, they leave and go to work, and I go back to lying around

So, there you have it.... my very exciting morning.