About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My mom has lost her mind! I have been so busy dealing with her that I haven't even had my usual time to lay around and blog. First of all, she is going to the gym all the time now, and that really cuts into my time with her. We used to take hikes, but it is so hot, I get sweaty and smelly in just five minutes outside... even after my evil parents shaved me (talk about embarassing, I was like one of those wussy hairless cats you see sometimes). Anyway, my whole house has been taken over with wedding and thesis stuff.... it is so unfair! The kitchen table where I used to get to put my toys and treats sometimes is covered in satin for the little girls dresses, and my bedroom has been locked up all day everyday, something about stationary, and all over the coffee table, where I used to be able to sniff and lick for crumbs, there are laptops and paper printouts and books on this HCI stuff that I just don't know why my mom cares about it all so much! At least my dad is still nice to me. We play fetch sometimes and he is always home by 6:30 at the latest these days... this new job rocks! Plus, he is a lot happier now! Okay, going to nap now, all this venting is exhausting.