About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

White people like me!

hey sports fans... sorry its been a while! We moved into the new place, which is awesome, but it means that my dad has been walking me a ton. We have a great path we take that leads us through all these pretty flowers and stuff. I did have one incident with something hissing at me from behind a trashcan. That scared me a lot, but most of the time, there's no problems. Anyway, its been making me really tired. I'll post some pictures of our awesome walks soon.

In other news (and the real point of this post), my mom just found this awesome website that tells her all the things white people like. Now, she's white, so you would think she would know, but she's also an academic. Lets face it, there is nothing professors like more than to go off and "research" things they know to be true. If I hear her yammer on about "empirical evidence" (whatever the heck that is) any more, I will literally eat my own poo... oh wait, I do that sometimes anyway.

Right, so back to the point... she found out that white people like dogs (http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/02/04/53-dogs/). Awesome! I have pretty diverse friends, but its still good to know that all the white people like me. I was working really hard at being cute and well behaved and begging and everything, but now I don't have to, 'cause now I know they will like me no matter what. yay!