About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sierra returns!

OMG! I have just had the craziest weekend! My mom came home again on Thurday and then on Friday I got to go to the spa. It is so great there. They put me in a whirlpool and give me treats and then they cut all that super hot hair off me and brush me and pet me. Then, after I got home I was so exhausted I went straight to sleep. The next morning, I got up and went on a walk with my mom. It was kind of long and hot, but mostly it was good. Then, when I got home, I went straight back to sleep again, and when I woke up I thought I was dreaming, because my old friend Sierra was at the door. I haven't seen her in almost three years, and there she was! It was so great! We played and played and played all weekend. At first I thought they were going to leave, but only my mom left. I was kind of sad, but Sierra and her mom are still around, so that's all I really care about. OOh for those of you who don't know Sierra, she's the one next to me in the picture that my my mom has on her picture frame. Okay, she's nosing at me... must be time to go play again!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So tired... can barely lift my head and paws to write to you. My dad left me with my friend Ansley this weekend, and there were other dogs there and then we went up to the mountains for hiking, and just...

Oh sorry, drifted off there for a minute... so tired.

When my dad picked me up last night, I fell asleep in the car before we even got home. I am just exhausted. I don't know where my dad was this weekend. He smelled like sand and ocean and beer when he got home though. He seems really tired too. So, we just are laying in bed today. Sometimes he reads, sometimes I try to type, but just so tired.

Okay, going back to sleep now. Will report more later.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I just found out that my mom was in a tornado. Yikes! We have them sometimes here, but when that happens, we are all together, so that doesn't seem so bad. This one, no one even told me until late last night when I had already gone out and everything, and my dad found out from my mom on the phone. Maybe this means she will come home already! Oh well, at least the weather's been okay here, hot but good.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mom was here this weekend. That was fun. She pet me a lot and gave me treats. It kind of wasn't great all the time though, cause I usually get my own couch, and Dad gets his, but when Mom is around, I have to sleep on the floor. I was happy that there was finally food in the house though, its been getting kind of depressing watching Dad eat that vegetarian sloppy joe stuff and fruit all the time. I think she left again. She had a big bag out and Dad drove away with her and came back alone. I don't really know where she goes, but I guess I am kind of getting used to it. Its just sad because it is super hot, and no one takes me for walks anymore. Dad tries to play fetch with me, but I usually just roll in that new grass that he keeps trying to plant. It's fun for me, because all the grass kind of rolls up and gets on me and stuff and then they have to clean it off me. I have been getting too hot lately though, so I hope that they take me to get shaved soon!

Last night was kind of scary too. Once a year, it is like a war zone around here, all this noise and thinks popping and making crazy sounds, and then there are all these different lights. I don't know why they do it! Plus, to make it worse, last night while all that was going on, it was thundering so badly. I was so scared. And all this after my parents had walked around with these crazy little fire sticks the night before. I swear, you would think they were trying to give me a heart attack. I am getting stressed out just thinking about it. Oooh I think someone is at the door. Gotta go bark now!