About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thsi is where I am staying this week. Today is my first day here. It is really fun. When we first got here, I was nervous because all the other dogs had treats and food and stuff with them. And I was worried that my dad was going to leave me with nothing! But then, I found out that they feed me their food and also they are giving me a special ice cream treat tomorrow. I am so excited about that. I miss my parents, but not that much. Here, everyone says how pretty I am, and they pet me, and they let me go down the doggie slide. I am making so many new friends, and I have my own room with my own tv. At home, I have to share the tv with my parents, and they hardly ever put on Animal Planet. But here, I have Animal Planet all day long. It's the best!

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