About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Okay okay okay, I am not a great blogger, but you know the thing is, I am 4 years old now, and that means I am 28 translated to your silly human timelines. And honestly, how much do people in their late 20's really blog anymore. I know its not a great excuse, but I thought I would give it a try.

The real reason I haven't blogged in so long is probably because I have had a really busy 6 months, and I haven't been home as much as usual. My parents got married in October, and I had to go to Barking Hound with Ansley. It was fun, but they don't let me use the internet too much there. Then it was the holidays, and that's all crazy. We had all these people over for Thanksgiving, and I don't think they all liked dogs, so I had to try to lick them into submission. Christmas was nice, but then the day after, my parents ditched me off at Ansley's house. For the first few days, I thought things would be good, I was having fun, etc. Then, I started to think that they weren't coming back for me. Finally, they did come back for me, but I was pissed! I didn't hardly cuddle up wiht them at all for a few days. Well, I think they got upset about that, because then immediatly after that, they left me again and went to West Virginia. And, this time they left me at Julie and Sadie's house with this weird other thing that isn't a dog but has fur and a tail and hisses at me a lot. That was okay and all, but I was beginning to think that maybe pouting wasn't the best plan. So, this time when they came back, I didn't pout at all. I gave them lots and lots and lots of love, and you know what???? They left me again almost right away anyway! Do you believe that crap? And as though that isn't bad enough, I am pretty sure I smelled Sierra on them when they came back. The liars told me she went to a farm in Texas!

At least they did stay home this past weekend though. We had a good time relaxing this weekend. They even gave me eggs on Sunday. It had been like two months since I got eggs on Sunday! I thought things couldn't get any better... then, came the bath. I hate baths! The good thing though is that after I get a bath, I get a lot more loving. And that makes me happy. Today, it is raining and gross, and I am just hanging out. Stupid Bellsouth DSL was down all weekend, so I couldn't blog too much. Now, I am going to be better I promise :)

Call it my New Year's Resolution... just because my parents don't believe in them doesn't mean I don't :)

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