About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Update from a big fur ball

Hi there,

I've been busy busy busy the last few months. I like to move around the house a lot and sleep in a different room at various hours through the day and night. I like my mom's office and my bedroom the best.. luckily for me they are right on top of one another. My parents keep insisting on calling my room the "guest room" but most of the time, there are no guests, and they each have their own rooms... even if they do call them "offices" so I think I should have my own room.

Anyway, lets see what else.... well, my fur is growing out long now. It has been crazy cold here (well, cold for California... not like there is snow or anything). My dad says its good to have the long fur for the cold weather, but really, I think it just makes me stink, and my mom totally agrees. As if its not bad enough that they all yell at me all the time about my breath! Now, my fur gets wet in all this rain and it stinks too. I stink so bad that Zabelle my little friend brought over this weird things like baby wipes for my teeth. My mom tortures me with them, and my dad even got out a toothbrush and tried to brush my teeth. I showed them though and spit that toothpaste all over them and ran away and hid in the other room.

Oh I almost forgot, I do have one pretty cool piece of news.... my dad's book is finally out Now there will be a whole lot less stomping and cursing going on around here! I can finally relax and sleep and snore in peace.

Love you all!

Savannah the furry little stink monster

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