About Me

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Irvine, CA, United States
I'm a dog... a super sweet friendly one who can type :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Yay! My mom came home this morning. Now, she can help me get those pictures online from my little surgery. I had to wear a satellite dish.... soooo embarassing!

I forgot to mention the mean thing my parents did. They put pebbles all under the deck out back. I used to walk across this nice, soft area to go to the bathroom. When it rained, it was kind of squishy under there too. Now, it is so annoying. There are these big rocks and stuff, and they hurt my feet. So, I have to go all the way around that big ole mess instead of through it. It takes me like an extra 30 seconds, which is like infinity in dog time!

I heard them talking the other day. I think we are moving to California, whatever that is. They keep petting me and telling me I will like the beach... we'll just see about that.

1 comment:

  1. ...but I am so going to miss my friend Sierra. If only her mommy would bring her back to Atlanta one last time.
